The Booking Component can be used to create Appointments for certain services offered by you and accept paid or free Bookings for these Appointments. While other service providers charge you for booking services, we are happy to offer this feature free of cost to our members who have subscribed for this feature.
To enable the Booking feature on your Beezer app, please click on the Business Tools section of your Beezer Dashboard and "Enable Booking".
Note: To use the Booking feature, you must enable the Member login feature for your app from your Beezer Dashboard.
- To activate/enable, use the toggle button
next to the Enable Booking option.
The following sections are available under the Booking component:
Before we add Staff Members and create the first Appointment, it is important to setup a few things under the Settings section. Please navigate to the "Settings" section in Business Tools and update following:
- Currency - Select the desired currency in which you will accept payments.
- Stripe Payment Details - Stripe is the payment gateway for your app purchases. To accept payments from your app users for booking appointments, you will need to enter the Stripe Publishable and Secret Keys. Click here to setup your Stripe Business account for your app.
- Map Settings - Add Google Maps API key. To know more about creating the API key, please click here.
- Notification Settings -If you wish to receive the booking notification emails at a different email address then your registered email address on Beezer, you can specify it here and all booking notifications will be sent to this address.
Note: Please ensure that you click on the "Save" button after adding all settings.
Staff Members
Before adding any Appointments in your Beezer Dashboard, you will need to add the Staff Member details who are going to be assigned for the Appointments.
To add a Staff Member, please navigate to Business Tools -> Enable Booking -> Staff Members:
You can add Staff Members by clicking on the sign which is located in the upper right section.
Please add details of the Staff Member (name, email, phone ) in the pop up box displayed as below:
You can add multiple Staff Members for your app. Once you add Staff Members, their details will be shown under the Staff Members section as below:
Once the Staff Members are added, you can now add Appointments which will be displayed on your app to your app users/members.
To add Appointments, please click on the sign on the top right-hand-side corner as shown below:
To create an Appointment, the following details need to be added:
- Image - Header image for your Appointment.
- Name - Appointment name.
- Description - Brief description about the Appointment and the service it offers.
- Duration - Total time/duration of the Appointment.
- Time Zone - Schedule appointments based on the users' time zone.
- Appointment time - Date and time when the Appointment starts.
Capacity - Number of bookings allowed for the Appointment. For example, if your keep the capacity for your appointment as 5, then 5 users can book this appointment after which it will not show in your app.
- Note: Capacity of an appointment is mapped per staff member added. If you have added 2 staff members for an Appointment and kept the capacity as 5, then each staff member can be booked 5 times for the same Appointment, taking the total bookings to 10 for this Appointment.
- Select Staff Member - To assign Staff members to the Appointment.
- Online Meeting URL - Include Meeting URL.
- Location - The location where the Appointment or service will take place.
Recurring Booking - You can create recurring Appointments for days or weeks, and the appointments will get duplicated in your app.
- Day - Number of days to repeat the Appointment.
- Week - Number of weeks to repeat the Appointment.
- Day - Number of days to repeat the Appointment.
Paid Booking
- You can specify a booking fee for this Appointment, which will be charged to the user at the time of booking. The amount will be added to your Stripe account, which you setup as a first step of this article under Settings.
All your Appointments will be displayed under the Appointments section as below:
You can also filter the Appointments by Time and Status.
Once you have added Staff Members and Appointments, it is time to start receiving Bookings for these Appointments. For this, you will need to add the Booking Component on an existing page or a new page within your app.
To add the Booking Component, please click on the Build -> Pages section of your Beezer Dashboard.
You can either select an existing page, or click the sign to add a new page.
Once you have added or selected the page on which you wish to add the Booking Component, click on the + sign next to your page title to see a list of components.
You will be shown all the existing components available for your Beezer subscription plan. Click on the Booking tab and select the Booking Component, then click the Add Booking Component button at the bottom of the page.
The Booking Component will display all Appointments created by you on the page it has been added.
You can override the design and change the background color of the component under the Design section, as shown below. Please remember to Publish your app from your Beezer Dashboard after you add the Booking Component.
Booking an Appointment using your app
Below images show how the Bookings component will display all available Appointments in your Beezer app.
Once you install your app on your mobile device, open your app and click on the page you have added Booking Component to see all appointments.
Users (signed up members) of your app can now book Appointments by clicking on the "Book Now" button displayed over each Appointment. They will have to provide their details, select a Staff Member and proceed with the payment (if its a paid Appointment).
Once the Appointment is booked, your app users can access all their Bookings from Bookings section available under their profile. They can click on the 3 vertical dots at the top right-hand-side of the mobile screen to access their profile section.
Your app users can also cancel their Booking by clicking on the relevant Booking:
The app admin can also access all Bookings from the Beezer Dashboard -> Business Tools section.
To view the details of any Booking, you can click on that Booking and it will show all related information.
The app admin can also cancel or re-assign the Booking to another Staff Member by clicking on Change Staff.
Notifications for Bookings
- App admin will receive emails for all booked appointments.
- Staff Members will also receive email notifications once an appointment is assigned to them.
- App users/members will receive email notifications as well as Push notifications once they book an Appointment.