Once you have added Staff Members and Appointments, it is time to start receiving Bookings for these Appointments.
For this, you will need to add the Booking Component on an existing page or a new page within your app.
Booking an Appointment using your app
Below images show how the Bookings component will display all available Appointments in your Beezer app.
Once you install your app on your mobile device, open your app and click on the page you have added the Booking Component to see all appointments.
Users (signed up members) of your app can now book Appointments by clicking on the "Book Now" button displayed over each Appointment. They will have to provide their details, select a Staff Member and proceed with the payment (if its a paid Appointment).
Once the Appointment is booked, your app users can access all their Bookings from Bookings section available under their profile. They can click on the 3 vertical dots at the top right-hand-side of the mobile screen to access their profile section.
Your app users can also cancel their Booking by clicking on the relevant Booking:
The app admin can also access all Bookings from the Beezer Dashboard -> Business Tools section.
To view the details of any Booking, you can click on that Booking and it will show all related information.
The app admin can also cancel or re-assign the Booking to another Staff Member by clicking on Change Staff.