The Member Login feature allows you to provide access to specified Pages for your App’s Users.
Users can register via the App with their e-mail address. Once registered they will be able to sign in to access exclusive content. Users will receive a confirmation e-mail after they register via the Mobile App.
To enable Member Login*, click on Member Login then toggle the 'Enable Login’ switch. Then hit Publish to update your app when you are ready to allow access for registered users.
When Member Login is enabled* via the Member Login section of your Beezer App Builder Dashboard, your Users will be able to register with the Mobile App by providing their e-mail address and creating a password. Users will be able to Sign In and Logout from the main menu or from the menu at the top right of the App.
When a user is first registered they will be added to the 'My Default Group’.
Note: Do not rename this group name to anything else other than "My Default Group" or the page permissions will not work on this group.
As a Beezer App creator, you can specify which Pages you want each Group to have access to. Only Users of these Groups will have access to the Group’s Pages and will be required to log in to the app if they haven't already done so to access the Page.
Users can request to reset their password by choosing the ‘Forgotten Password?’ link and entering their email address.
From the Beezer App Builder Dashboard, under the Member Login section, you can see the list of Users that have registered with your Mobile App.
In the Users section, you can see which Group or Groups each individual User has been assigned to.
By Clicking on an individual User, you can edit the access to each Group.
You can delete Users by clicking on the checkbox on the right of each User then using the (…) menu to delete the selected Users.
In the Groups & Subscriptions section, you can choose which pages will be accessible for which group
You can move Users to another group by clicking on the checkbox on the right of each User then using the (…) menu to move the User to another group.
If you click on a User you will see the Groups the User is part of.
A User may be added to multiple Groups and will therefore be granted access to the Pages that are associated with those Groups.
When creating a member login or Subscription group, please be aware that any public pages added will be automatically included.
Optionally, you can control the Member Login setting by uploading the privacy policy for your app.
Also, control User Signups, User Profile and User Chat settings by enabling/disabling the toggle buttons.
You can also control the required user profile fields by enabling/disabling the toggle buttons.