The Public Access Pages feature allows you to provide access to selected app pages to non-members (who have not signed up) of your app.
Even when the Member Login feature is enabled, your app users can see the public pages of your app.
To enable the Public pages, please navigate to Member Login -> Settings section from your Beezer Dashboard.
Under Public Access Pages, you can see the option to add Public pages. Click on the Add Page button.
You will see all the pages of your app in the pop-up box.
Click on the + sign next to the page which you want to make public.
Once you select the pages to make accessible to all members, click on the Save button.
Please Publish your app once you have made the changes, so they get reflected on your mobile app successfully.
When creating a member login or subscription group, please be aware that any public pages added will be automatically included.
Please note that if you've included Public pages and activated the 'Hide restricted pages from navbar' feature in any group or subscription plan, any unchecked pages or newly created pages within the app will not appear on the menu page.