The YouTube & Vimeo components can be used to embed videos directly from your YouTube/Vimeo channels into your app.
To add the YouTube or Vimeo Video component, please click on the Build section of your Beezer dashboard and click on Pages section.
Create a new page by clicking the + sign next to Pages option.
Once you have added a new page, click on the + sign next to your page title. You will be shown all the existing components available for your Beezer subscription plan.
Click on Integrations tab and select YouTube or Vimeo Video component. Click Add YouTube component or Add Vimeo Video component button to add it to your selected page.
Copy the URL link of the video and paste it to their respective components. Please use the complete URL and not the short URL created by the YouTube platform.
For the YouTube component, you can either play the video on loop, muted or activate auto play using the toggle buttons.
Please Publish your app once you have made the changes, so they get reflected on your mobile app successfully.