The WordPress Component can be used to access and display your blog posts directly from your WordPress website.
To add the WordPress component, please click on the Build section of your Beezer Dashboard and click on Pages section.
Create a new page by clicking the + sign next to Pages option.
Click on Integrations tab, select WordPress component and click Add WordPress Component button.
In the Content tab of the WordPress component, enter the URL of your WordPress website. Please note that your website URL must start with https:// for it to work correctly.

The DESIGN tab can be used to override the default design of your app for the WordPress component. You can set the title, text and card colours.
Under the LAYOUT tab, you can select the screen size utilized by your WordPress component.
Note: Your WordPress website URL must start with https:// (SSL) and should allow CORS (Cross Origin) requests.
Please Publish your app once you have made all the changes, so they get reflected on your mobile app successfully.