Installing a Beezer app varies depending upon the mobile device and web browser you are using.
To install the app you must click the link to the Beezer app you have received.
For example, you may click the link to as a result of receiving an SMS or e-mail or by viewing a link from a social media channel.
The app will open in your mobile phones default web browser.
On Android (using Chrome browser)
You will be prompted to Allow or Block Push Notifications then you will be asked to install the app by clicking the banner popup at the bottom of the screen.
After clicking the 'Add to Home screen' link you then press add. (If you have dismissed the prompt you can add manually by choosing Add to Home Screen from the Settings menu of the browser).
Allowing or blocking notifications
The app is installed on the Home Screen and a dot will appear showing new notifications have been sent.
On iPhone (using Safari browser)
You will see the app in the browser and a popup to Install the app and 'ADD TO HOME SCREEN' will appear at the bottom of the screen.
When you click the blue "ADD TO HOME SCREEN" button you will then see instructions for how to add to the home screen on iOS
Tap the relevant icon then press the Add to Home Screen icon (note you may need to scroll down to see the + Icon).
Next click 'Add to Home Screen'
You can then click 'Add' in the top of the screen to complete the Install process. Your Progressive Web App will now be accessible from the home screen of your iOS device.
Once launched from your home screen you will see your app in 'full screen' mode without any navigation bar or browser options.
On Desktop (using Chrome browser)
You will be prompted to Allow or Block Push Notifications.
Allowing or blocking notifications.
To install the app on your desktop, please click on the install icon as shown below:
After clicking the icon please click on "Install" and the app will be installed on your desktop.
A popup will also prompt "Would you like Appname to your taskbar ?"