To see all available products/services and make a purchase, you need to sign up or sign into the Marketplace app. Please visit the app page where the Marketplace component has been added and sign in / sign up.
Once you sign in, you will see the products available on the marketplace app.
To purchase a product or service, you can click on it. You will see the product details and can contact the seller, check the seller profile or directly buy the product by clicking on the Buy Now button.
When the seller/vendor replies to your chat message, you will be notified inside your app.
Once you click on the Buy Now button on the product page, you can add delivery address, contact information, card details and click on Pay button. The order will show under the Purchases section of your profile.
To check all your purchases, you can click on the 3 vertical dots at the top of your app screen and click on Marketplace Zone. All purchased orders will show under the Purchases section of your profile.
Once your product is shipped, you will be notified via email.
You can also Save a product to your wish list. All saved products will be visible under your Marketplace Zone -> Saved Products & Services section.